Do³±czy³: 10 Mar 2024 Posty: 1
Wys³any: Nie Mar 10, 2024 10:13 Temat postu: Unanimous message from the five big banks to Minister De |
Ordóñez must now call the auctions of the three entities intervened by the Bank of Spain and hold them at the same time The continuity of Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez at the head of the Bank of Spain is becoming an ordeal, also for the bankers. The five big banks are putting pressure on MAFO, through Minister Luis de Guindos, to award the three savings banks intervened by the State (Banco de Valencia, Catalunya Caixa and Novagalicia). As El Confidencial Digital has learned from financial sources, representatives of the five big banks (La Caixa, BBVA, Santander, Bankia and Popular) and the Minister of Economy met last week after learning that Catalunya Caixa had asked to be auctioned earlier. of the summer, as will happen with the Bank of Valencia. The banks asked the Government to also bring forward the Novagalicia bid so that the three coincide. And they told Minister Luis de Guindos that it cannot wait until after the summer.
The reason is that the large banks are in a hurry to close the financial restructuring because it is increasingly difficult for them to finance themselves in the capital markets due to the new escalation of the Spanish risk premium. Although the new Galician bank has until the end of September to try to find investors, and even avoid UK Mobile Number List the auction, the large banks told the Government that they see this option as “very difficult” , and leaving it isolated until after the summer would make it much more difficult and expensive. its award. Fernández Ordóñez resists The main obstacle is Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez , who has almost lost even the support of Minister De Guindos, one of the few he counted on within the PP Government .
The Governor of the Bank of Spain, already on his way out, is aware that with the Deposit Guarantee Fund only the Bank of Valencia will be able to be auctioned with guarantees. But there will still be two tough nuts to be awarded, Catalunya Caixa and Novagalicia . And MAFO , two months after leaving the supervisor, does not want to continue fighting with the banks at this point in its mandate over who pays the bill for the restructuring, and prefers that the new person in charge be the one to resolve the issue. The large banks, as potential buyers, are also not willing to bid if future losses are not covered with public money and they refuse to have to make larger contributions to the Deposit Guarantee Fund .
The fireworks, in June These next mobilizations will begin, as confirmed to this newspaper by an authorized voice from UGT, on a symbolic date for the workers: May Day . That day, "we will protest again against the measures that Rajoy is taking , and we will encourage citizens to continue demonstrating to stop the reduction of their rights. _________________ UK Mobile Number List |